Quality and safety audits are a necessary component of every project. Performing routine audits allows contractors to ensure that everything good from quality standpoint. In addition, audits are crucial to creating a genuine safety culture.

What is a quality and safety audit?

As mentioned, audits are performed throughout a job to ensure that the job is done right. At Lanracorp, we perform routine audits throughout the job to make sure that the crew is meeting our high-quality standards. Additionally, we perform safety audits to ensure that our safety standards are being upheld.

How do you know if your safety audits are successful?

It’s important to ensure that your quality and safety audits are successful. We perform routine audits to get better. Our audits involve asking a series of questions to test our methods. For example, is our employee training successful? If the answer is yes, then we want to see proof of that on the job. If our training isn’t successful, we will reevaluate our training methods.

In addition to the collecting data, it needs to be thoroughly reviewed. By asking the right questions and making updates based on our reporting, you can reduce the opportunity for risks later.

Creating a Crew That Understands the Importance of Audits.

In order to get your team on board with these audits and practices, you must lead from the top. Every person on our team is involved in our audits. We encourage them to embrace safety.

Ultimately, we put quality and safety first. Book your next project with us to ensure the job is not only done safely but is done right. Our 2021 schedule is filling up fast. Request a quote today and let’s kick off your next big project!