Establishing a company’s core values influences and guides processes of the company. From hiring to setting goals, values determine many aspects of a company’s decision making. But how do businesses determine good values and keep them?
How to Determine Company Values
Values look different to each company as they include different types of customers, personalities, and goals. Every business should choose values specific to them. There are certain factors a company can consider when determining its values.
Discuss what is important to your organization and your goals. These factors are a great place to start determining which values make sense for you. After brainstorming, narrow down your list to ideas that are the most applicable. Finally, view your core values as a set. The compiled goals should encompass what your company truly stands for, what the vision for the future looks like, and how the company will operate.
How to Keep Company Values
After determining the core values, everyone is often excited to implement them. However, over time, many fall short of sticking to their principles. Core values must be something that is preached from the top down. They must guide decisions. Management should hire, fire, and evaluate raises based upon these core values. The loudest person in the room usually guides the direction, in your company that needs to be you and your core values. Talk about them daily.
Display Your Company Core Values
We all know that when you are reminded every day, it is easier to accomplish a goal. This idea applies to carrying out a company’s values, too. For example, a company should integrate the values in the day-to-day routine of employees. Whether hanging a poster on the wall, including the values in your email signature, or including them in the job description, there are ways to remind your employees what they stand for. But don’t just let it be a slogan on the wall, actually live them out daily.
Incorporate Core Values into Hiring
With many ambitious applicants handing in resumes nowadays, it can be difficult to rift through and determine who should be your next employee. However, when deciding who to add to your team, hiring can be made slightly easier when values are taken into consideration. When employees are hired with values weaved into the process, businesses are onboarding people who will help the company become and remain what it stands for.
Reward Those Demonstrating Company Values
When employees are recognized and rewarded for demonstrating the business’s core values, it promotes others to behave in a similar fashion. Companies can recognize valued employees through simple rewards like an excellent job review or acknowledging a job well done. Additionally, the rewards can be expressed through a greater gesture like a raise or bonus. By recognizing those that do well, it shows the company that displaying the values means something.
Hold Everyone Accountable
It can be easy to hold junior employees accountable. However, leaders should also be held to the same standard. Leaders in the company have the ability to influence the culture and inspire employees. CEOs, managers, and leaders should be the shining examples of employees that demonstrate the company’s values.
Lanracorp’s Core Values
Safety above all, continuous improvement, discipline, and pride in work are more than just buzz words to us. Lanracorp aims to incorporate our values into every aspect of work. We prioritize safety by teaching our employees what it means and how to accomplish it.
If you are interested in learning more about how we incorporate our core values into our wide array of services, contact Lanracorp today.